Midweek Prayer & Bible Study

Prayer Meeting

We as believers communicate with God by prayer and we as a Church communicate with God through personal & corporate prayer and our experience says that prayer meetings are essential for healthy growth.

No matter who you are, you will benefit personally from praying and the church will be stronger. 

We encourage Personal prayer at all times and we meet together every Tuesday at 10.30am in our community hall. 

Everyone is welcome is welcome. Monday to Saturday we also have a zoom prayer meeting 6.30-7 am to start off our day with Jesus, to commit our day to Him, have an expectancy from Him, allow Him the driving seat. Offer thanksgiving. ‘Psalm 5:3’

Bible Study

We hold Bible Study each Wednesday evening at 7.30pm in our church sanctuary . Can you imagine where your contribution matters and is valuable too.

We welcome and encourage all our members to come and learn God’s Word together. If your Bible doesn’t look well worn, then perhaps you should ask yourself whether you are using it enough!

A Bible is not meant to decorate a bookshelf or fill a draw – it instead is intended to be the light which guides us everyday,

‘Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path’ (Psalm 119:105)