Many people today recognize that humans have an inherent desire for spirituality, just as we have fundamental needs such as companionship, feeling valued, being loved, as well as the basic needs for food, shelter, and more.
Why do I need God?
There is a wealth of knowledge about Jesus Christ, drawn from both historical records and the Bible, which speaks extensively about Him.
Who is Jesus Christ?
It’s no secret that the world is far from peaceful. We hear about wars, famine, climate crises, pandemics, family breakdowns, and lawlessness. Yet, amidst all this chaos, the church speaks of “Peace with God.”
Peace with God – Is it Possible?
In the Gospel of John, one of Jesus’ closest followers recounts a meaningful passage from Jesus’ teachings:
What Does a Relationship with God Look Like?
Though we often think of the Bible as a single book, it’s actually a collection of 66 books written in three different languages over nearly 2,000 years. Biblical scholars estimate that around 40 different authors contributed to its composition.
What is the bible?
Stepping outside your comfort zone can be a big challenge for some, while others may dive in confidently. No matter which type of person you are, don’t let fear or hesitation keep you from what could be one of the most significant steps you’ll ever take!
I’m new to church
The Bible teaches us about God’s love in verses like John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NLT).
If God loves us …
It might seem hard to believe that the God who created the universe would be interested in you personally. But according to the Bible, that’s exactly the case. Jesus Himself taught this, and it’s something that more than a billion people experience in their lives today!
Why would God care about me?
We are often asked about our stance regarding individuals who feel marginalised or rejected due to having views that differ from the perceived “mainstream.” Common questions include: Are we welcoming to those with disabilities? Do we accept people with different lifestyles or opinions?
You Don't Love Me 'Cos I'm Different
People often tell us, “I prayed, but my prayers weren’t answered.” While Jesus promises that God hears and answers prayers, and we believe this to be true based on our church’s experiences, many still struggle with feeling unheard.
Why Aren’t My Prayers Answered?
At the heart of most wars, even those labeled as religious, lies a lack of love or a desire for what others possess. God’s commandment is clear: “Do not covet.”
“You must not covet your neighbor’s house, wife, servant, ox, donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor” (Exodus 20:17, NLT).
Why Are These Things Happening?
As we indulge in the shopping, gift-giving, festive meals, decorations, and everything that makes the holiday season special, it’s easy to overlook the true meaning behind CHRISTmas—it’s all about Jesus Christ!
What’s Christmas all about?
Religion is often about trying to reach God by adhering to rules, but that approach doesn’t work. Jesus Christ directed His strongest criticisms toward religious leaders, and we share His perspective.
You Are So Religious
Is it possible that Jesus Christ could return in our lifetime?
When Jesus spoke to His disciples about His upcoming death and resurrection, He also promised to return and bring about a new era. Naturally, the disciples asked how they would know when this would happen.