The Bible – Sacred Text or Fiction?

Though we often think of the Bible as a single book, it’s actually a collection of 66 books written in three different languages over nearly 2,000 years. Biblical scholars estimate that around 40 different authors contributed to its composition. Many people who believe in the Bible also hold that it was divinely inspired and consider it God’s message to humanity.

I like to think of the Bible as an instruction manual for life—our “owner’s guide.” We can choose to ignore it and go our own way, or we can read it and follow the advice and principles given by our Creator.

To explain, let me share a personal analogy. When I purchased a new car, it came with a thick manual. I read through many sections and got along well with the car—I knew when to add oil, check fluids, and understood most of the warning lights. My wife, on the other hand, didn’t read the manual. She drives just as well as I do, but if something unusual happens, she has to ask me for help. The first time she drove the car, she couldn’t even start it because she didn’t know you had to press the brake or clutch first!

Life can be like this when we ignore our Maker. We might get by without reading the Bible, but when things go wrong, we often blame God or try to fix things ourselves, sometimes making matters worse. If we would follow His instructions, many problems could be avoided, and we could trust Him to handle the rest!

Is the Bible Reliable?

The Bible has been studied by countless individuals—Jews, Christians, and even those without specific religious beliefs—since the first books were written. Remarkably, no one has found a significant error or reason to discredit its accuracy. For a collection of 66 books written over a span of 2,000 years, that’s quite extraordinary! In fact, some people have come to believe in Christianity simply by reading the Bible.

There are more preserved copies of biblical texts than any other ancient writings, giving us high confidence in their reliability. Far from disproving the Bible, archaeology and scientific discoveries often confirm its historical claims. Many recent findings have lent support to biblical records, which may explain why many scientists also hold religious beliefs.

God Speaks Through the Bible

It’s true that the Bible can be challenging to understand—but so can the manual for my car, and that’s far less engaging! The Bible is worth the time and effort spent studying it. For years, I was a Christian but didn’t make Bible reading a daily practice. Once I did, my life transformed. Instead of constantly facing one problem after another, I found my life under control—guided by God. Many others who have made the effort to study God’s “Book of Life” share similar life-changing experiences.

How Do I Start Reading the Bible?

For beginners, I don’t recommend starting at page one and reading straight through. The first two books are interesting, but you may find yourself bogged down in less engaging sections and give up. Most people suggest starting with the New Testament, which begins with the life of Jesus Christ and continues to explain the early church and Christian living. At Bethany Family Worship Centre, we’ve created a booklet that highlights key passages for those just beginning their journey, and we’re happy to send you a free copy if you reach out via email. Alternatively, there are plenty of Bible study guides available online or in Christian bookstores.

Another option is to find a good local church that can help you with Bible study. If a church doesn’t emphasize studying the Bible, it might not be the best fit for you, regardless of how appealing their programs are. If you live near Walkden, Manchester, consider joining us at Bethany Family Worship Centre next Sunday at 10:45—we’d love to see you!

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right” (2 Timothy 3:16 NLT).